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  • We Wish You a Merry Christmas
    It’s hard to believe Christmas Eve is already over and I am now sitting here in the wee hours of Christmas morning finishing final touches. My kids have been excitedly counting down the days, while I keep saying I wish I could add in some extra ones. I never was able to get themContinue reading “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”
  • The Week of Love
    I regrettably missed week four of the advent; love. Better late than never though right? I am still recovering from time spent in the E.R. and battling new health issues, so I am again sharing from last year’s advent collection. I hope it can still bring some encouragement and reflection this year. For anContinue reading “The Week of Love”
  • Joy
    Originally posted on The 5th Sparrow:
    As we enter this third week of Advent, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on the previous 2. Hope and Peace. They are building blocks to what this week is all about. Joy. So many things come to my mind when I first think of…

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